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Report No.

$$^{14}$$C concentration in tree rings of beech trees living near CO$$_{2}$$ vents in the Hakkoda Cardera, Aomori, Japan

Horiuchi, Kazuho*; Chiba, Takuji*; Hoshino, Yasuharu*; Oyama, Motonari*; Tanaka, Takayuki; Amano, Hikaru*

We investigated how volcanic CO$$_{2}$$ emission affects the $$^{14}$$C concentrations in tree rings of beech trees in the Hakkoda Caldera in Aomori, which is one of high emission regions of volcanic CO$$_{2}$$ in the world. There was a tendency that the obtained $$^{14}$$C concentrations were, surprisingly, quite near to the values of the concurrent atmospheric CO$$_{2}$$ and decreased from 1991 to 2001. The $$^{14}$$C concentrations in caldera are lower than those of the control samples taken from a beech living outside of the caldera. We revealed the possibility that we can solve the local dynamics of fossil CO$$_{2}$$ emission using $$^{14}$$C in tree rings. However, the maximum difference of $$^{14}$$C between inside and outside of the caldera was 14 permil. This result showed that the volcanic CO$$_{2}$$ mixed with atmospheric CO$$_{2}$$ by 4.4 ppm or less. As the trunk absorbing CO$$_{2}$$ exist in height that is several meters higher than the volcanic CO$$_{2}$$ vents, the low mixing may occur.



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