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Development of transfer pot for JSFR ex-vessel fuel handling


平田 慎吾; 近澤 佳隆  ; 加藤 篤志 ; 宇都 成昭  ; 小幡 宏幸*; 小竹 庄司*

Hirata, Shingo; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Kato, Atsushi; Uto, Nariaki; Obata, Hiroyuki*; Kotake, Shoji*


In Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) project, Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) is going to adopt an advanced fuel handling system. As for ex-vessel spent fuel handling, a pot which contains two fuel subassemblies simultaneously and is applicable size to compact reactor vessel, has been developing so as to shorten a refueling period leading to an improvement of plant availability. The pot is required to provide sufficient cooling capability even in case of transportation malfunction during transportation of spent fuel subassemblies with high decay heat. In the present study, experimental and analytical studies to evaluate the cooling capacity of the pot are summarized.



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