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 年 ~ 

Improvement and testing of radiation source models in DecDose for public dose assessments during decommissioning of nuclear facilities


島田 太郎 ; 助川 武則

Shimada, Taro; Sukegawa, Takenori


Radiation source models in DecDose code for assessing public and worker exposure doses during the decommissioning of nuclear facilities were improved in this study. A segmentation model evaluating the length, volume, and surface area of kerfs in the object to be dismantled was improved to deal with seven shapes of objects simulating most of the components and the structures in nuclear facilities. Models for the evaluation of the external dose by direct and skyshine radiation were also improved to deal with the distribution of waste containers temporarily placed in the building and the quantity of radionuclides stored in the individual container. Good agreement was observed between actual and calculated kerf volumes in cutting some components such as the reactor pressure vessel of the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor. It is an indication of the validity of the model improved in this study. On the other hand, some discrepancies were observed between actual and calculated quantities of radionuclides discharged into the ocean, indicating the necessity of further validation of the model.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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