※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

余裕深度処分における被ばく線量評価,1; 基本・変動シナリオの検討・評価

Dose assessment for sub-surface disposal of radioactive waste, 1; Study of "Likely Scenarios" and "Less-likely Scenarios"

中谷 隆良 ; 菅谷 敏克; 曽根 智之 ; 石戸谷 公英; 船橋 英之 ; 佐々木 良一*; 下田 紗音子*; 黒沢 満*

Nakatani, Takayoshi; Sugaya, Toshikatsu; Sone, Tomoyuki; Ishitoya, Kimihide; Funabashi, Hideyuki; Sasaki, Ryoichi*; Shimoda, Satoko*; Kurosawa, Mitsuru*


The propose of study was safety assessment of "Likely scenarios" and "Less-likely scenarios" on sub-surface disposal. They were two of "Classification of three types scenarios" in "Basic Policy for Safety Regulation Concerning Land Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Interim Report)" formulated by the NSC. Selection of the assessed scenarios, development of the assessment tool and preliminary exposure dose assessment were conducted according to the standard of the AESJ. As the results, Maximum exposure doses for "Likely Scenarios" and "Less-Likely Scenarios" were less than each standard dose value in the Interim Report (Likely Scenarios: 10$$mu$$Sv/y, Less-Likely Scenarios: 300$$mu$$Sv/y).



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