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Interlaminar shear properties of composite insulation systems for fusion magnets at cryogenic temperatures


進藤 裕英*; 竹田 智*; 成田 史生*; 三浦 正哉*; 渡邉 慎也*; 小泉 徳潔; 出崎 亮; 奥野 清

Shindo, Yasuhide*; Takeda, Tomo*; Narita, Fumio*; Miura, Masaya*; Watanabe, Shinya*; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Idesaki, Akira; Okuno, Kiyoshi


This paper reports the cryogenic interlaminar shear properties of composite insulation systems for the superconducting magnet coils in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Short beam shear tests were performed at room temperature, liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) and liquid helium temperature (4 K) on three insulation systems consisting of woven glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composites with different polymer resins and polyimide films, and the dependence of their apparent interlaminar shear strength on the temperature and the polymer resins was discussed. A detailed observation of failed specimens was made to verify the failure mechanisms. Insulation systems subjected to $$gamma$$ irradiation at room temperature were also considered, and the effect of irradiation on the cryogenic interlaminar shear properties was examined.



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