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Report No.

Radiation resistance of cyanate/epoxy resins for $$gamma$$-rays

Uechi, Hiroki*; Hakura, Yoshihiko*; Nakagawa, Takaharu*; Matsuda, Satoshi*; Kishi, Hajime*; Idesaki, Akira; Oshima, Takeshi

Cyanate/epoxy resins are expected to use as insulating material of a superconducting magnet system in a proton accelerator. However, there are little reports on the radiation resistance of the resins. In this work, $$gamma$$-ray irradiation effect on the cyanate/epoxy resins in which molecular structures of cyanate and epoxy were varied was investigated by gas analysis, dymanic visco-erastic test, and so on. It was found that glass transition temperature (Tg) of all resins dicreased and that the behavior of Tg was different among the resins. This suggests that there is a relationship between the molecular structure and radiation resistance of the cyanate/epoxy resins.



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