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Report No.

Effect of vacuum ultraviolet exposure and surface oxide layer on the hydrogen desorption from hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films

Tagawa, Masahito*; Yokota, Kumiko*; Furuyama, Yuichi*; Kanda, Kazuhiro*; Tode, Mayumi; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden

Effects of vacuum ultraviolet and surface oxide layer on the hydrogen desorption from hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (HDLC) films were investigated. We have used commercially available HDLC as a specimen, and synchrotron radiation at BL-6 in NewSUBARU or D$$_{2}$$ lamp as an external source of photon energy. SiO$$_{2}$$ and TiO$$_{2}$$ surface oxide films with a few nanometer thickness were formed by irradiation of hyperthermal atomic oxygen beams with a translational energy of approximately 5 eV onto metal-doped HDLCs in order to investigate the effect of oxide film on the hydrogen desorption. It was confirmed that the effect of SiO$$_{2}$$ and TiO$$_{2}$$ gave different influence on desorption temperature of hydrogen.



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