※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

追跡評価; 原研基礎・基盤研究の主体性

Ex-post evaluation; Research independency of the basic science study of JAERI

柳澤 和章; 高橋 祥次*

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Shoji*


A research independency was defined here as the continuity of the research and the development of a corresponded field with the evolution of history. The three parameters considered were actinides, positron and neutron. The year was covered from 1978 to 2002. INIS was used as the tool. The authors revealed that important factors that led the sustainable success of the research independency of the basic science study were the constant efforts to accomplish his mission, the education of their successors to instructing the explicit and tacit research findings and the construction of intellectual networking with learned circles and industries, who were in good collaboration with JAERI. These were quantitatively clarified by our bibliometric study. The research independency experienced the time-dependent stage of germination, development and declination due to the interaction between development and impeded factors.



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