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A New method for separating the $$D$$$$_{3}$$ and $$C$$$$_{2v}$$ isomers of C$$_{78}$$

Han, A. H.*; Wakahara, Takatsugu*; Maeda, Yutaka*; Akasaka, Takeshi*; Fujitsuka, Mamoru*; Ito, Osamu*; Yamamoto, Kazunori; Kako, Masahiro*; Kobayashi, Kaoru*; Nagase, Shigeru*

A new chemical method can be applied to isolate the isomers of C$$_{78}$$. The photochemical cycloaddition of a mixture of C$$_{78}$$($$D$$$$_{3}$$) and C$$_{78}$$($$C$$$$_{2v}$$) with disilirane affords only the mono-adduct of the $$C$$$$_{2v}$$ isomer of C$$_{78}$$. The counter part (C$$_{78}$$($$D$$$$_{3}$$)) does not give the mono-adduct with disilirane. The $$D$$$$_{3}$$ isomer itself and the adduct of the $$C$$$$_{2v}$$ isomer of C$$_{78}$$ with disilirane was easily separated by a HPLC procedure. A facile oxidative desilylation of the adduct took place, resulting in the formation of pristine C$$_{78}$$($$C$$$$_{2v}$$). In this context, the separation and the isolation of two isomers of C$$_{78}$$($$C$$$$_{2v}$$) and C$$_{78}$$($$D$$$$_{3}$$) were successfully accomplished by using a silylation-oxidative desilylation process.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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