Investigation on integrity of canal expanded joint
大戸 勤; 木村 正
; 宮内 優; 根本 宣昭; 飛田 健治; 深作 秋富; 高橋 邦裕
Oto, Tsutomu; Kimura, Tadashi; Miyauchi, Masaru; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro
An integrity investigation of a Canal Expanded Joint was carried out as one of the integrity investigation of the JMTR reactor building related facilities and components, before the repair or replacement work of the JMTR related facilities that had begun in FY2007. The Canal Expanded Joint will be used for long-term after the JMTR restart. In the integrity investigation, the visual inspection, the performance test (Surface observations, Durometer hardness test) were investigated respectively and the integrity of the Canal Expanded Joint was confirmed. In order to use the Canal Expanded Joint continuously for long-term, it is important for maintaining the integrity of the Canal Expanded Joint by the periodical maintenance and the repairing work including that has been conducted up to now.