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 年 ~ 

Development of a microcalorimeter with transition edge sensor for detection of LX rays emitted by transuranium elements


中村 圭佑  ; 前田 亮*; 安宗 貴志*; 前畑 京介*; 石橋 健二*; 田中 啓一*; 梅野 高裕*; 高崎 浩司  ; 百瀬 琢麿  

Nakamura, Keisuke; Maeda, Makoto*; Yasumune, Takashi*; Maehata, Keisuke*; Ishibashi, Kenji*; Tanaka, Keiichi*; Umeno, Takahiro*; Takasaki, Koji; Momose, Takumaro


A Transition Edge Sensor (TES) microcalorimeter has been developed for use as an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. A TES microcalorimeter is a thermal detector used to measure the energy of an incident photon with increase in temperature. In this work, a TES microcalorimeter with a 5$$mu$$m Au absorber was developed for use in measuring LX rays emitted from transuranium elements. Furthermore, as a cooling system a dilution refrigerator utilizing a Gifford-McMahon refrigerator was used, which needs no liquid helium. The performance of the TES microcalorimeter was evaluated by measuring the LX rays emitted by an $$^{241}$$Am source. This system proved effective in the measurement of the LX rays because the full width at half maximum of the L$$_{beta1}$$X ray was about 80 eV.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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