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 年 ~ 


Water/gas analysis for JMTR operation management

井手 広史  ; 木村 明博 ; 三浦 洋; 堀 直彦 

Ide, Hiroshi; Kimura, Akihiro; Miura, Hiroshi; Hori, Naohiko


As for the water analysis in the JMTR operation management, periodical sampling of the primary coolant water and analysis of radionuclide in it are being carried out for detecting slight change of the primary cooling system and the fuel during the JMTR operation. On the other hand, periodical sampling of the reactor pool water, the canal water and so on and analysis of pH and electrical conductivity in them are being carried out for maintaining the facilities during the JMTR shutdown period. As for the gas analysis, analysis of radionuclide in the He gas swept from the irradiation devices was being carried out for detecting the fuel failure condition. This report summarized the situation of the previous water/gas analysis and the preparations status for water/gas analysis after the re-operation.



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