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Activities on public awareness of a prototype fast breeder reactor, Monju, and casebook of potential troubles


柳澤 務; 田畑 広明; 森 将臣

Yanagisawa, Tsutomu; Tabata, Hiroaki; Mori, Masaomi


Monju, the Japanese prototype of fast breeder reactor, has engaged in various activities to restore the public trust since the sodium leak accident occurred in 1995. Among the activities is the publication of a risk communication booklet "Response to the possible accident and trouble in Monju" which is compiled according to the operational progress of "Monju". This booklet is intended for promoting the public understanding toward the restart. The supplement of the booklet illustrates the outline and characteristics of "Monju", the recent troubles at not only "Monju", but also home and abroad, and the assumed troubles during the core confirmation test which is implemented when the system start-up test is commenced. These efforts for the restart are also explained.



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