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Development of new analytical method based on $$beta$$-$$alpha$$ coincidence method for selective measurement of $$^{214}$$Bi-$$^{214}$$Po; Application to dust filter used in radiation management

$$^{214}$$Bi-$$^{214}$$Pの選択的な測定のための$$beta$$-$$alpha$$同時測定法を応用した新しい測定法の開発; 放射線管理に使用されているダストフィルターへの適用

眞田 幸尚   ; 田辺 陽一郎*; 飯嶋 信夫; 百瀬 琢麿  

Sanada, Yukihisa; Tanabe, Yoichiro*; Iijima, Nobuo; Momose, Takumaro


The radionuclide pair $$^{214}$$Bi and $$^{214}$$Bi which belongs to the uranium-series interferes with airborne radionuclide measurement, needed for the radiation management of a nuclear facility. Time intervals between $$^{214}$$Bi ($$alpha$$) and $$^{214}$$Po ($$beta$$) are much shorter than artificial radionuclides due to the short half-life of $$^{214}$$Po (164 $$mu$$s). Measurement of airborne radionuclides can subtract this background by the selective measurement of $$^{214}$$Bi-$$^{214}$$Po. The purpose of this study is to develop of a new analytical method (Time interval analysis: TIA) based on the beta-alpha coincidence method for selective measurement of $$^{214}$$Bi-$$^{214}$$Po. The developed method was applied to an actual dust-filter measurement.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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