Fabrication and tests of superconductors for equilibrium field coil of JT-60SA
木津 要; 柏 好敏; 村上 陽之; 土屋 勝彦; 吉田 清; 尾花 哲浩*; 高畑 一也*; 濱口 真司*; 柳 長門*; 今川 信作*; 三戸 利行*
Kizu, Kaname; Kashiwa, Yoshitoshi; Murakami, Haruyuki; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Obana, Tetsuhiro*; Takahata, Kazuya*; Hamaguchi, Shinji*; Yanagi, Nagato*; Imagawa, Shinsaku*; Mito, Toshiyuki*
In JT-60SA, magnets system consists of 18 toroidal field (TF) coils, 4 stacks of central solenoid (CS) and 6 plasma equilibrium field (EF) coils. The CS and EF coils are procured by Japan. The maximum magnetic field and maximum current of EF coils is 6.2 T, 20 kA. EF coil conductors are NbTi cable-in-conduit (CIC) conductor. Delivered superconducting cables and jackets are fabricated into CIC conductors at the jacketing facility with the length of 680 m constructed in the Naka site of JAEA. The production of superconductors with 444 m in length for actual EF coils was started from March 2010. The measurements of superconducting performance like current sharing temperature were conducted prior to the mass production. The production and test results of EF conductors will be described.