きっづ光科学館ふぉとんにおけるエネルギー環境教育の展開; 地域の行政,教育機関及び学校と連携した活動
Development of energy and environmental education in the Kids' Science Museum of Photons; Activities associated with regional administrative offices, educational institutions, and schools
星屋 泰二; 西村 昭彦 ; 佐々木 和也*; 西川 雅弘*
Hoshiya, Taiji; Nishimura, Akihiko; Sasaki, Kazuya*; Nishikawa, Masahiro*
The Kids' Science Museum of Photons (KSMP), which was established in a blanch of the Kansai Photon Science Institute (KPSI), can provide us with the mysteries of light through various exhibits, theater, and science experimental events, as quite an unique museum, to be focused on the photon science. The goal of this museum is also to develop "Heart of Science" in children who can join and experience. In this phase, the KSMP has been promoting various activities of public understanding of science and technology, such as the collaboration seminar, the science festival and the teacher education program, to be associated with regional administrative offices, educational institutions, and schools. It can be explained the outline of systematically trial activities on the energy and environmental education, the collaboration lecture, the experimental village and the science-walker, from the viewpoint of the degree of understanding, the search mind and effects.