※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Suggested failure probability calculation method for Japanese high-quality high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) fuel

相原 純 ; 植田 祥平   ; 柴田 大受 ; 沢 和弘

Aihara, Jun; Ueta, Shohei; Shibata, Taiju; Sawa, Kazuhiro


For upgrading HTGR technologies, present SiC coating layer which is used as the 3rd layer could be replaced with ZrC coating layer which could deform plastically at high temperatures. Therefore, JAEA modified an existing pressure vessel failure fraction calculation model to treat the plastic deformation of the 3rd layer in order to predict failure fraction of ZrC coated fuel particles, in addition for the better approximation of the behavior of the SiC-TRISO coated fuel particles under irradiation. FEM is employed to calculate the stress in each coating layer. In addition, the calculation results for present SiC fuel particles are reported. It was clarified that the final failure fraction strongly depended on the irradiation swelling rate of PyC and that thickening of the SiC layer is very effective for the decrease in failure fraction at high burnups.



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