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 年 ~ 

Technical know-how for modeling of a geological environment, 2; Geological modeling

地質環境モデル構築にかかわる技術的ノウハウ,2; 地質構造モデル

松岡 稔幸; 天野 健治  ; 大澤 英昭  ; 仙波 毅 

Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Amano, Kenji; Osawa, Hideaki; Semba, Takeshi


It is important for site characterization project to manage decision-making process during site characterization project with transparency and traceability, and to accumulate and hand technical know-how on to the next generation. Evaluation of the impact of uncertainties in the geological environment model is important to identify and prioritize key issues for further investigations. The aim of the study is to support for the planning of initial surface-based site characterization based on the technical know-how accumulating from Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project and Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project. In this study, the task-flow of the geological modeling, which is one of the geological environment models, and the related technical know-how using literature data have been summarized.



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