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Report No.

Diagnostics of JT-60U divertor plasmas by Stark-Doppler broadening of carbon spectral lines

Koubiti, M.*; Nakano, Tomohide; Godbert-Mouret, L.*; Marandet, Y.*; Rosato, J.*; Stamm, R.*

The C IV ($$n$$ = 6-7) spectral lines emitted from the JT-60U detached plasmas were observed with a high-wavelength resolution spectrometer and the profiles were analyzed with a PPP code. The analysis indicates that the spectral profiles were broadened with both the Doppler and the Stark effects. From these effects, the electron temperature and density were evaluated. Along the viewing chord for the X-point, the electron temperature and density was determined to be 3 eV and $$7 times 10^{20}mbox{m}^{-3}$$, respectively. These are similar to those determined from the intensity ratio of C IV lines (6.3 eV and $$7.8 times 10^{20}mbox{m}^{-3}$$, respectively). The high density plasma around the X-point was confirmed with these independent methods.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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