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 年 ~ 

Growth and characterization of stoichiometric BCN films on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by radiofrequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition


Mannan, M. A.; 野口 英行*; 木田 徹也*; 永野 正光*; 平尾 法恵; 馬場 祐治  

Mannan, M. A.; Noguchi, Hideyuki*; Kida, Tetsuya*; Nagano, Masamitsu*; Hirao, Norie; Baba, Yuji


Hexagonal boron carbonitride (h-BCN) hybrid films have been synthesized on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by radiofrequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using tris-(dimethylamino)borane as a single-source molecular precursor. The films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and Raman spectroscopic measurements. XPS measurement showed that the B atoms were bonded to C and N atoms to form the $$sp$$$$^{2}$$ BCN hybrid chemical environment. The atomic composition estimated from the XPS of the typical sample was found to be almost B1C1N1. NEXAFS spectra of the B K-edge and the N K-edge had the peaks due to the $$pi$$$$^{*}$$ and $$sigma$$$$^{*}$$ resonances of $$sp$$$$^{2}$$ hybrid orbitals implying the existence of the $$sp2$$ hybrid configurations of h-BCN around the B atoms.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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