Study on flow and mass transport through fractured sedimentary rocks (Joint research)
Shimo, Michito*; Kumamoto, So*; Ito, Akira*; Karasaki, Kenji*; Sawada, Atsushi
; Oda, Yoshihiro
; Sato, Hisashi
In safety analysis of geological disposal of the high-level nuclear waste, it is important to evaluate appropriately the mass transport characteristics of the bedrock as the natural barrier. Especially, it has been found that the porosity of the rock matrix is high and fractured zones are developing and therefore the mass transport characteristics will be the mixture of those for porous media and the fractured media. In this work, we conducted, (1) a study on the method to mine out the rock block sample of tens of-centimeter to maximum 1 m scale, (2) a study on a method of the tracer test using a rock block sample and a series of scoping analysis. We also examined the uncertainty associated the hydrogeological model using a method combining a forward and inverse analysis, based on the various type of data sets obtained at Horonobe site, such as the temperature distribution and hydraulic head and salinity distribution.