Utilization of electron accelerator and -ray irradiation facilities
金子 広久; 春山 保幸; 花屋 博秋; 山縣 諒平; 清藤 一; 山口 敏行*; 八木 紀彦*; 高木 雅英*; 川島 郁男*; 松崎 慎也*
Kaneko, Hirohisa; Haruyama, Yasuyuki; Hanaya, Hiroaki; Yamagata, Ryohei; Seito, Hajime; Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki*; Yagi, Norihiko*; Takagi, Masahide*; Kawashima, Ikuo*; Matsuzaki, Shinya*
An electron accelerator and three -ray irradiation facilities were operated for various research subjects according to the operation plan in FY 2009 without serious trouble. The number of experiment subjects at the electron accelerator increased in the research fields of materials for space and heat-resist material, and decreased in the field of basic technology and nuclear facilities. The number at -ray irradiation facilities increased in the field of nuclear facilities, and decreased in the field of materials processing and resource & bio-technology.