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Changes of the surface-to-volume ratio and diffusion coefficient of fission gas in fuel pellets during irradiation


天谷 政樹  ; Grismanovs, V.*; Tverberg, T.*

Amaya, Masaki; Grismanovs, V.*; Tverberg, T.*


Short-lived fission gas release from fuel pellets during irradiation was investigated based on the experimental results of the gas-flow rigs irradiated in the Halden Reactor. The release-to-birth rates of short-lived fission gas were measured, and surface-to-volume (S/V) ratios of fuel pellets and diffusion coefficients of short-lived fission gas release were evaluated. The increase of (S/V) ratio agreed well with the point where the fuel temperature exceeded the threshold of 1% fission gas release. This indicates that the interlinkage of fission gas bubbles occurred there. The evaluated diffusion coefficients scattered in the range between 10$$^{-23}$$ and 10$$^{-17}$$ m$$^{2}$$/s, and the effects of fuel type were not clearly observed. In addition, it is likely that the restructuring effect of fuel pellet on the diffusion coefficients of short-lived fission gas at least in the fuel pellet matrix is negligible in high burnup region where the rim structure forms in the fuel pellet.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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