※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of thermal hydraulic analysis program for wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle of fast reactor

大島 宏之; 今井 康友*

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Imai, Yasutomo*


A numerical simulation system, which consists of a deformation analysis program and three kinds of thermal-hydraulics analysis programs, is being developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency in order to offer methodologies to clarify thermal-hydraulic phenomena in fuel assemblies of sodium-cooled fast reactors under various operating conditions including fuel deformation. In this study, we focused on SPIRAL, which is one component code of the numerical simulation system and plays the role to simulate detailed local flow and temperature fields in a wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle, and incorporated a new hybrid turbulence model to improve the pressure drop predictability. SPIRAL with the new turbulence model was applied to numerical simulations of flows in a parallel channel and several types of fuel assemblies for code validation. Pressure loss coefficients estimated by the simulations are in good agreement with theoretical and measured data from laminar to turbulent regions.



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