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Report No.

Effect of $$gamma$$ radiation on the corrosion behavior of cabon steel in synthetic seawater

Taniguchi, Naoki ; Yamaguchi, Makoto; Naito, Morimasa ; Tateishi, Tsuyoshi*

In order to clarify the effect of $$gamma$$ radiation on the corrosion of carbon steel overpack in HLW disposal environment, immersion test and electrochemical measurement were carried out using synthetic seawater at 80$$^{circ}$$C under $$gamma$$ radiation of 45 gy/h. In simple seawater case, the corrosion potential became noble, and the amount of corrosion and cathodic current were increased by $$gamma$$ radiation. On the other hand, little effect of $$gamma$$ radiation on the corrosion behavior was observed in the presence of bentonite.



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