※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Radiation damage of C$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$, N$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$ and O$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$ clusters induced by irradiation with X-ray free electron lasers

X線自由電子レーザー照射によるC$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$, N$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$及びO$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$クラスターの放射線損傷

甲斐 健師   

Kai, Takeshi

In X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) application, the analysis of three-dimensional structures of single bio-molecules is one of the critical issues. In this case, target samples are damaged by photo-absorption ionization, Compton scattering, Auger decay, electron impact and field ionization by the irradiation of high-intense X-rays. To obtain optimal condition for the three-dimensional structure determination, we performed a parameter survey for the radiation damage using various XFEL's parameters and target radii of C$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$, N$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$ and O$$_{1}$$H$$_{1}$$ clusters (pseudo biomolecules). We found that the upper limit of X-ray fluxes became about 10$$^{19}$$ photons/mm$$^{2}$$ at the X-ray energy of 12.4 keV, and the radiation damage of the clusters slightly increased as atomic number of atoms in targets increased.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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