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Report No.

Property change of cyanate/epoxy resin by $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

Uechi, Hiroki*; Idesaki, Akira; Hakura, Yoshihiko*; Matsuda, Satoshi*; Kishi, Hajime*

Cyanate/epoxy resins are expected to be applied to an electrical insulating material for accelerator, fusion reactor, and so on. However, there are few reports on property change of the resins by radiation. In this work, effect of $$gamma$$-ray irradiation on the properties of cyanate/epoxy resin was investigated. It was found that bending modulus and density of the cyanate/epoxy resin increased after the irradiation. This is considered to suggest that nano-voids in the resin decrease due to rupture and recombination of crosslinking between cyanate and epoxy.



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