※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Spin current, charge current and their interaction in magnetic nanostructure


前川 禎通

Maekawa, Sadamichi

In magnetic nanostructures, there are two conservation laws between the conduction electrons and the magnetic moment. The first is the angular momentum conservation which brings about the spin angular momentum transfer between them. This is a key concept for controlling the magnetization direction in a variety of spintronic devices. The other is that of energy stored in the conduction electrons and the magnetic moment. The magnetic energy stored in the conduction electrons is released as the spin motive force. The spin-motive force is derived by extending the Faraday's law of electro-magnetism. The non-conservative force acting on the spins of conduction electrons causes the work, which brings about the spin-motive force. A variety of the phenomena and the application in magnetic nanostructures are presented and discussed based on the conservation laws.



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