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Report No.

Anodic behaviour of a metallic U-Pu-Zr alloy during electrorefining process

Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Sakamura, Yoshiharu*; Akiyama, Naoyuki*; Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Nakayoshi, Akira  ; Fukushima, Mineo 

An electrorefining is one of the main steps of pyrochemical reprocessing of spent metallic fuels (U-Zr, U-Pu-Zr). The electrorefining is carried out dissolving a portion of Zr together with actinides to accomplish a high dissolution ratio of actinides. However, the electrorefining with Zr co-dissolution should bring some practical problems in the pyrochemical reprocessing. Therefore, electrorefining tests of non-irradiated U-Pu-Zr alloy were performed with minimizing the amount of Zr dissolved in LiCl-KCl-(U, Pu, Am)Cl$$_{3}$$ melts at 773 K. The tests were performed both by potentiostatic electrolysis at -1.0 V (Ag$$^{+}$$/Ag) that was more negative than the Zr dissolution potential and by galvanostatic electrolysis with a limited amount of Zr dissolution. The ICP-AES analysis of the anode residues confirmed that a high dissolution ratio of actinides (U; $$>$$ 99.6%, Pu; 99.9%) was successfully demonstrated at both electrolyses.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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