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Dissociation and recapture dynamics in H$$_2$$O following O 1s inner-shell excitation


下條 竜夫*; 大浦 正樹*; 國分 美希*; 本間 健二*; Harries, J.

Gejo, Tatsuo*; Oura, Masaki*; Kuniwake, Miki*; Homma, Kenji*; Harries, J.


In this paper we present a study of the dissociation dynamics following O 1s inner-shell excitation/ionization in the water molecule. When the O 1s electron is excited just below or just above the ionization threshold, neutral fragments are created. Information on the electronic states of these fragments provides information on the dissociation dynamics. Excitation of the O 1s electron creates a H$$_2$$O$$^+$$ ionic core, which is unstable and undergoes Auger decay. The resulting H$$_2$$O$$^{2+}$$ ion core subsequently dissociates into 2 or three fragments, to one of which the initially excited electron attaches. If this fragment is O$$^+$$ or OH$$^+$$, a neutral, excited O atom can be created. This fragment can undergo further Auger (autoionisation) decay. Here we have analysed the kinetic energy distribution of both these low energy electrons and also the initial high energy Auger electron, obtaining new information on the processes involved.



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分野:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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