※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Structure and phase transition of one-dimensional atomic chain on Pt/Ge(001) surface by reflection high-energy positron diffraction

望月 出海; 深谷 有喜   ; 河裾 厚男

Mochizuki, Izumi; Fukaya, Yuki; Kawasuso, Atsuo


Quasi one dimensional (1D) metallic chain of single-atomic wide is constructed on the Ge(001) surface by the adsorption of Pt with 1/4 atomic layer. While the atomic chain is required the elucidation of the electronic properties about the 1D metal behavior or the metal-insulator transition, there is also discussed about the atomic arrangement. The Pt chain or the Ge chain models have been proposed in the recent theoretical calculations, but that is still to be determined because of scarce experimental validation. We have measured the reflection high energy positron diffraction (RHEPD) for the elucidation of the atomic arrangement of the 1D chain on the Pt/Ge(001) surface. Hence the beam intensity of the RHEPD rocking curves is very sensitive to the topmost surface structure, we can estimate that based on dynamical diffraction theory. We observed the enhancement of the specular reflection of the rocking curve with the glancing angle of 2$$sim$$3$$^{circ}$$, which indicates the construction of the atomic chain structure on the Pt/Ge(001) surface. We will discuss the structure analysis of the 1D chain and the phase transition of the low temperature.



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