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Radiation processing of polymers and its applications

玉田 正男

Tamada, Masao


Polymer materials are available for many kinds of commodity and industrial products. Graft polymerization is a sophisticate technique to impart desired functions into trunk polymers. A nonwoven material can be converted to fibrous adsorbent for metal ions by the graft polymerization. The obtained fibrous adsorbents have been applied to removal of cadmium from waster of scallop processing and recovery of uranium from seawater. Properties of biopolymers have been modified by crosslinking. Crosslinked poly(lactic acid) is applicable for heat shrinkable tubes. Biodegradable and water adsorption hydrogels prepared by crosslinked polysaccharides can be used as fermentation treatment of livestock excrement. Degraded chitosan is effective for plant activator.



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