Measurement of reaction rates in Li/V-alloy assembly with 14 MeV neutron irradiation
田中 照也*; 佐藤 聡; 近藤 恵太郎; 落合 謙太郎; 村田 勲*; 高倉 耕祐; 佐藤 文信*; 加田 渉*; 飯田 敏行*; 今野 力 ; 室賀 健夫*
Tanaka, Teruya*; Sato, Satoshi; Kondo, Keitaro; Ochiai, Kentaro; Murata, Isao*; Takakura, Kosuke; Sato, Fuminobu*; Kada, Wataru*; Iida, Toshiyuki*; Konno, Chikara; Muroga, Takeo*
Li/V合金ブランケット設計における核計算精度を調べるため、内部に5cm厚のV合金層を設けた465151cmの固体Liブロック体系に対する14MeV中性子照射実験を実施した。体系内にはNb, Ni, In, Au箔、及びLi濃縮(Li: 95.5%), Li濃縮(Li: 99.9%)LiCOペレットを設置し、Nb(n,2n)Nb, Ni(n,p)Co, In(n,n')In, Au(n,)Au反応の反応率とトリチウム生成率を測定した。測定結果はMCNP5, JENDL-3.3, JENDL/D-99を用いた中性子輸送,反応率計算結果と比較した。Nb, Ni, In箔の反応率についての比較は、高速中性子輸送に関しておおむね10%以内で実験と計算が一致していることを示した。Au箔の反応率についてはV合金層表面において15%程度計算値が過小となり、過去に指摘されているVの4keV付近の弾性散乱断面積の問題に起因している可能性がある。トリチウム生成率についてはLi濃縮,Li濃縮LiCOペレットで各々、2-8%及び1-4%で計算値と実験値は一致した。
Irradiation experiments of 14 MeV neutrons have been performed on a Li block assembly of 46 51 51 cm with a 5 cm thick V-alloy layer inside to examine the accuracy of neutronics calculations for the Li/V-alloy blanket design. Foils of Nb, Ni, In and Au for reaction rate measurements of Nb(n,2n)Nb, Ni(n,p)Co, In(n,n')In, Au(n,)Au reactions and Li enriched (Li: 95.5%) and Li enriched (Li: 99.9%) LiCO pellets for tritium production rate measurements were installed in the assembly. Results of the measurements were compared with those of calculations with MCNP5, JENDL-3.3 and JENDL/D-99. The comparisons for the reaction rates in the Nb, Ni and In foils indicate that measurements and calculations of the fast neutron transport are consistent almost within 10%. In the comparison for the reaction rates in the Au foils, the underestimation of 15% was found at a surface of the V-alloy layer. There is a possibility that this is due to the elastic scattering cross section of V around 4 keV as previously reported. The comparisons for tritium production rates in the Li enriched and Li enriched LiCO pellets indicate that calculated rates were larger than results of the measurements by 2-8% and 1-4%, respectively.