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Development of Level 2 PSA methodology for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 2; Development of technical basis in the initiating phase of unprotected events

ナトリウム冷却高速炉のレベル2PSA手法整備,2; スクラム失敗事象の起因過程にかかわる技術的判断根拠の整備

佐藤 一憲 ; 飛田 吉春; 山野 秀将   

Sato, Ikken; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Yamano, Hidemasa


As part of Level-2 PSA methodology development for sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR), event trees for the initiating phase (IP) of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) are constructed. ULOF (Unprotected Loss of Flow), UTOP (Unprotected Transient Overpower) and ULOHS (Unprotected Loss of Heat Sink) are selected as typical and important accident categories. Based on the state-of-the-art knowledge, the headings of these event trees are selected so that dominant factors in accident consequences can be represented appropriately. For each of the headings, available information for judgment are reviewed and integrated as database for Level-2 PSA. It is clarified that the headings of ULOF, for which experimental database and evaluation models have been reasonably established, can be commonly applied to certain part of the different accident categories. While, some points specific for UTOP and ULOHS are identified. ULOHS, in which significant heat up of the primary system is expected before start of the core disruption, necessitates an additional event tree before the core disruption providing various boundary conditions for the core disruption process.



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