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 年 ~ 


Relaxation phenomena of radicals induced in irradiated fresh papayas

菊地 正博; 垣田 大介*; 下山 雄平; 鵜飼 光子*; 小林 泰彦

Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kakita, Daisuke*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

Electron spin resonance spectrometry of the $$gamma$$-irradiated fresh papayas followed by freeze-drying and powderization was performed. We found a strong single peak in the flesh was observed at ${it g}$ = 2.004 and attributed to organic free radicals. Using the method of Lund ${it et al.}$, relaxation times of the peak from 0 to 14 days-stored samples after $$gamma$$-irradiation were calculated. T$$_{2}$$ showed a dose response, while T$$_{1}$$ kept almost constant by the increment of doses. The $$gamma$$-radiation-induced radicals showing progressive saturation behaviors can be caused through a different pathway from indirect effects by the low LET radiations.



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