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Design study of remote handling system for lower divertor cassettes in JT-60SA


林 孝夫; 櫻井 真治; 柴沼 清; 逆井 章

Hayashi, Takao; Sakurai, Shinji; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Sakasai, Akira


Design study of RH system, especially the expansion of the RH rail and replacement of the lower divertor cassettes, was described in this paper. The dimensions and weight of the divertor cassette, which is 10 degrees wide in toroidal direction, are 1.62$$^{L}$$ $$times$$ 0.57$$^{W}$$ $$times$$ 1.25$$^{H}$$ m and 800 kg, respectively. The RH system can use four horizontal ports whose inside dimensions are 0.66$$^{W}$$ $$times$$ 1.83$$^{H}$$ m. The space for RH system is very limited. The RH rail is installed before transporting divertor cassettes. The RH rail can cover 180 degrees in toroidal direction. A divertor cassette can be replaced by heavy weight manipulator (HWM) consists of an end effector, a telescopic arm and a vehicle. The HWM brings the divertor cassette to the front of another horizontal port, which is used for supporting the rail and/or carrying in and out equipments. Then another RH device, which is installed from outside the vacuum vessel, receives and brings out the divertor cassette.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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