A New model for onset of net vapor generation in fast transient subcooled boiling
佐藤 聡 ; 丸山 結 ; 中村 秀夫
Satou, Akira; Maruyama, Yu; Nakamura, Hideo
A new model for the occurrence of the net vapor generation was developed to improve the predictive capability of best-estimate thermal hydraulic codes for transient void behavior under fast transient condition such as reactivity initiated accidents (RIA). It was clarified that the concept of vapor condensation in the model needed to be improved by analyzing the RIA simulation experiments, thus, the new model for the net vapor generation was developed by using the thickness of thermal boundary layer as a characteristic length of vapor condensation. The new model was introduced into TRAC-BF1 code and was applied to the analyses for the high pressure experiments, confirming that the predictive capability of the modified code was improved.