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 年 ~ 

Impact of plasma poloidal rotation on resistive wall mode instability in toroidally rotating plasmas


相羽 信行; 白石 淳也; 徳田 伸二*

Aiba, Nobuyuki; Shiraishi, Junya; Tokuda, Shinji*


Rotation effect on the stability of the resistive wall mode (RWM) is investigated in a cylindrical plasma and a toroidal plasma with not only a toroidal rotation but also a poloidal rotation. In the case that a poloidal rotation frequency is not so large, the effect of a poloidal rotation can be treated with the modified toroidal rotation frequency, which is determined by subtracting a toroidal component of the rotation parallel to the magnetic field from the toroidal rotation frequency. This effect of a poloidal rotation on the RWM stability depends on its rotational direction, and when this modified toroidal rotation frequency is larger than the original toroidal rotation frequency, a poloidal rotation enhances the stabilizing effect of a rotation on RWM stability. This result indicates that a poloidal rotation produces a dependence of the critical toroidal rotation frequency for stabilizing RWM on the rotational direction of a toroidal rotation in the same magnetic configuration.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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