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Micropolar fluid behavior on MHD heat transfer flow through a porous medium with induced magnetic field by finite difference method


Sultana, M.*; Haque, M. M.*; Alam, M. M.*; Ferdows, M.; Postelnicu, A.*

Sultana, M.*; Haque, M. M.*; Alam, M. M.*; Ferdows, M.; Postelnicu, A.*


A unsteady MHD heat transfer by free convective micropolar fluid flow through an infinite vertical porous medium under the action of strong magnetic field have been studied numerically with induced magnetic field. This investigation is performed for the turbulent boundary layer cooling problem with constant suction velocity. The unconditionally stable implicit finite difference technique is used to solve the non-dimensional momentum, angular momentum, magnetic induction and energy equations. The computed values of fluid velocity, angular velocity, induced magnetic field and temperature distributions as well as the steady-state wall shear stress, wall couple stress, current density and Nusselt number are shown graphically. Finally, the important findings are listed here.



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