Integrated safeguards approach for large-scale hot cell laboratory
宮地 紀子
; 勝村 聡一郎; 川上 幸男 
Miyaji, Noriko; Katsumura, Soichiro; Kawakami, Yukio
A large-scale hot cell laboratory named FMF is located by the experimental fast reactor Joyo in Oarai Research and Development Center (JNC-2 site), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). FMF conducts post irradiation examinations (PIE) of irradiated fuels in Joyo such as assemblies and pins. To the JNC-2 site, in the Integrated Safeguards (IS) approach, which treats FMF and Joyo as one sector, was applied in December, 2010. For this, a new verification system for the material transfer between Joyo and FMF has been developed. The system includes the followings: (1) surveillance system remotely monitoring movements of a declared transport cask, (2) random verifications for the nuclear material contained in the cask by measuring the neutron dose rate. The implementation of the IS incorporating the developed verification system to the JNC-2 site would strengthen effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards.