Personal perspective of strategy on nuclear data activities at JAEA
今後の核データ整備に関する私的展望; 原子力機構の第2期中期計画とも関連して
深堀 智生
Fukahori, Tokio
The JENDL-4 is released in 2010 as one of goals of the first period mid-term research plan for JAEA. In the plan for the second period, the objective is "incident energy expansion of JENDL". The objective can be achieved by producing JENDL/HE, JENDL/PD, JENDL/PK. For this purpose, the nuclear reaction model code, CCONE, is planned to be improved by adding some models. The nuclear data for burn-up, activation, and PKA/DPA calculations will be prepared for the applications of reactors, safety research, material science, nuclear forensics, etc. The urgent problems for human resources, presence to the stake-holders, and budget (especially for nuclear data measurements) should be solved, for example, by efforts of the international collaborations, etc. The most urgent item is "covariance business" and this must be solved at least its direction of preparation.