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Report No.

A Study for the safety evaluation of geological disposal of TRU waste and influence on disposal site design by change of amount of TRU waste (Joint research)

Hasegawa, Makoto; Kondo, Hitoshi; Kamei, Gento ; Hirano, Fumio ; Mihara, Morihiro  ; Takahashi, Kuniaki ; Funabashi, Hideyuki ; Kawatsuma, Shinji; Ueda, Hiroyoshi*; Oi, Takao* ; Hyodo, Hideaki*

In 2009, NUMO and JAEA set up a technical commission to investigate the reasonable TRU waste disposal following a cooperation agreement between these two organizations. In this report, the calculation result of radionuclide transport for a TRU waste geological disposal system was described, by using the TIGER code and the GoldSim code at identical terms. Comparing the calculation result, a big difference was not seen. Therefore, the reliability of both codes was able to be confirmed. Moreover, the influence on the disposal site design (Disposal capacity: 19,000 m$$^{3}$$) was examined when 10% of the amount of TRU waste increased. As a result, it was confirmed that the influence of the site design was very little based on the concept of the Second Progress Report on Research and Development for TRU Waste Disposal in Japan.



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