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First-principle calculation for electron excitation process dependence on high-harmonic generation

乙部 智仁; 矢花 一浩*

Otobe, Tomohito; Yabana, Kazuhiro*


We present the first-principles description for the non-linear excitation in dielectrics induced by an optical field and would like to present the new approach to probe electron excitation process. We rely upon the time-dependent density-functional theory with the adiabatic local-density approximation, and a real-space and real-time method is employed to solve the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation. We distinguish the high harmonic generation by electron-hole recombination by Fourier transformation of electronic current after laser filed ends. We find the spectrum of this electric field presents the detail of the electron excitation process, multi-photon absorption and tunnel effect.



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