※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of evaluation method based on inelastic analyses for structural design of fast reactor components

笠原 直人; 月森 和之; 岩田 耕司; 川崎 信史 ; 岡島 智史 

Kasahara, Naoto; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; Iwata, Koji; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Okajima, Satoshi


In the design of FBR (fast breeder reactor) components, a simple and conservative design can be done by the conventional design method based on elastic analyses. However, there is a possibility that the conservativeness becomes excessive. It is expected to reduce the excessive conservativeness and to realize more rational design by estimating the inelastic behaviors of the components in scope appropriately. Therefore, we developed inelastic analysis methods which can be applied to the inelastic behaviors of FBR components, for example, the characteristic ratcheting deformation behaviors of a reactor vessel near liquid surface. Then, we proposed design guidelines based on the developed inelastic analysis methods.



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