※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Numerical simulation of laser welding processes with CIP finite volume method

山下 晋   ; 米本 幸弘; 山田 知典; 功刀 資彰*; 村松 壽晴

Yamashita, Susumu; Yonemoto, Yukihiro; Yamada, Tomonori; Kunugi, Tomoaki*; Muramatsu, Toshiharu


Quantitative evaluation and controlling the residual stress which is induced by laser welding is of important problemfor a life extension of FBRs (Fast Breeder Reactors) and the guarantee of the reliability of the repair processes. Numerical simulation is an effective tool for deep understanding of their problems and it needs to have high accuracy, robustness and reliability. We have recently constructed the fully parallelized laser welding simulation code which satisfies above aspects using some advanced numerical models. Concretely, VSIAM3 (Volume and Surface Integrated Average based Multi Moment Method) numerical model as the spatial discretization, an efficient free surface capturing scheme, THINC scheme, and FAVOR method as the solid phase expression has been applied to the code. We have conducted modest large-scale laser welding simulations by using a supercomputer in Japan Atomic Energy Agency and obtained some preliminary results. And reasonable results were obtained.



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