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Report No.

Extraction of Am(III) at the interface of organic-aqueous two-layer flow in a microchannel

Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Kikutani, Yoshikuni*; Tokeshi, Manabu*; Morita, Yasuji  

Extraction of Am(III) was performed at the interface of organic-aqueous two-phase flows in a microchannel having an asymmetric cross section. A solution of 3 mol/dm$$^{3}$$ nitric acid containing $$^{243}$$Am(III) and octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethyl-phosphineoxide diluted with n-dodecane were introduced into the microchannel as the aqueous phase and the organic phase, respectively. The two phases formed a stable two-layer flow with an interface parallel to the sidewall of the microchannel, and were separated from each other at the divergence point of the microchannel. The extraction reaction of Am(III) proceeded at the interface of the two phase, and reached equilibrium state while the two phases passed through the microchannel.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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