※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

岩盤中での物質の移行挙動を解明する; 地下の還元的な条件における収着実験

Understanding of the migration behavior of substance in rocks; Sorption experiments under reducing conditions of underground

飯田 芳久 

Iida, Yoshihisa


Sorption of radionuclides on rocks is an important factor for safety assessments of geologic disposal of radioactive wastes. Batch sorption tests were conducted to study influence of salinity on the sorption of selenium and cesium on rocks under reducing environment of underground. The sorption ratio of selenium which forms low sorbable anionic species in groundwater was as high as cationic cesium, suggesting a specific bonding of selenium species with surface sites of rocks under anoxic conditions. The influence of salinity on the sorption of selenium was slightly negative, but was not remarkable.



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