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 年 ~ 

Analysis of the single-particle excitation spectrum of ultracold fermions in 1D optical lattices


山本 篤史; 山田 進  ; 町田 昌彦  

Yamamoto, Atsushi; Yamada, Susumu; Machida, Masahiko


We present single-particle excitation spectra of ultracold fermions in one-dimensional(1D) optical lattices by using dynamical density-matrix renormalization group method. In an analysis of weakly-interaction regimes, we find that the spectrum structure changes from a typical Hubbard band as obtained from periodical 1D lattice to band branching as increasing the trap potential, and finally, we observe clear discrete bound-state levels. On the other hand, in case of strongly-interacting regimes, we confirm the multiple flat bound-state levels lying above 1D Tomonaga-Luttinger (TL) liquid spectrum on a central Mott-plateau phase surrounded by metallic regions. Furthermore, we also investigate spectral changes as a metallic state partially emerges at the center region and find one-dimensional TL spectrum breakdown with an emergence of a new dispersive band due to the central metal portion.



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