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Report No.

Valence state of Am in (U$$_{0.95}$$Am$$_{0.05}$$)O$$_{2.0}$$

Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Nakada, Masami  ; Suzuki, Chikashi ; Shibata, Hiroki ; Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Akabori, Mitsuo; Hirata, Masaru 

The XAFS measurements at U-L$$_{3}$$ and Am-L$$_{3}$$ absorption edge of (U$$_{0.95}$$Am$$_{0.05}$$)O$$_{2.0}$$ were performed in transmission mode. Moreover, to clarify the valence state of Am in (U,Am)O$$_{2-x}$$, the XANES spectrum of Am-L$$_{3}$$ absorption edge of (U$$_{0.95}$$Am$$_{0.05}$$)O$$_{2.0}$$ was verified using those of Am-L$$_{3}$$ absorption edge of AmO$$_{2}$$ and Am$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$. It was found that the XANES spectrum of the Am-L$$_{3}$$ edge of (U$$_{0.95}$$Am$$_{0.05}$$)O$$_{2.0}$$ is in good accordance with that of Am$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$. Thus, Am in (U$$_{0.95}$$Am$$_{0.05}$$)O$$_{2.0}$$ is almost trivalent state.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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