※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


$$gamma$$-radiolysis of boric acid solution

鈴木 漠*; 山下 真一; 勝村 庸介

Suzuki, Baku*; Yamashita, Shinichi; Katsumura, Yosuke


Excess power in pressurized water reactor is controlled by addition of boric acid so that a $$^{10}$$B atom in boric acid captures a thermal neutron which would induce further chain nuclear fission reactions if it is not captured. In this case, not only radiations pertaining to nuclear fission reactions but also $${alpha}$$-ray and low-energy Li ion generated in the neutron capture reactions decompose water, leading to production of highly reactive water decomposition radicals. In order to comprehend water chemistry inside the reactors, effects of all of the radiations must be understood. Before investigating the neutron capture radiations from $$^{10}$$B, it should be studied what kind of chemical effects are given by the addition of boric acid. In this work, the addition of boric acid was studied with the Fricke dosimeter.



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